Dad’s Ponderings

Our family’s life is busy - we come and go a lot. Yes… we have dinner most nights together - but dinner is about connection and catching up. We go for coffee - but usually one of us have a list of things to talk about.

This is my way to let you - my family - get a glimpse of some of what I think about, how I process things and just ideas for you to think about, comment on or ask each other about. At the bottom of each page are a number of quotes I have been thinking about this past month. Enjoy!

AND there is a page on here for Family Stuff - Celebrations and Events.

My hope is that through this you get to know in a deeper way my heart. I love you each, am so blessed by your presence in my life and yearn for you each to have a close journey with Jesus.

Please agree, disagree - be kind - all is fair and we all know that different thoughts help give birth to better thoughts.

With Love… Dad!